009647812182165 icls2022@uofallujah.edu.iq

ICLS’22 Conditions

The Author should submit a research paper within the conference topics in accordance with the following requirements:

1. The research paper shall be sent along with the participation form and curriculum vitae bi of the researcher before 1/10/2022. Theme of the paper should be included on the cover page of the research.

2. The heading of the research paper must contain title of the paper, name of the author, specialization, and place of work. These data should not be indicated in a place other than the cover page. Abstract is presented in Arabic and English languages, and should not be longer than (300) words.

3. Submitted research papers should be written in Arabic, English or French languages, and provided abstracts should be written in two of these languages, and one of them is the Arabic language.

4. Research papers are subject to evaluation by the scientific committee of the conference.

5. The research shall be sent printed on a word file by the e-mail specified for the scientific committee of the conference, and should be:

  • Research papers that are submitted in Arabic should be in font type is Traditional Arabic, size -14 for body and 12 for footnotes.
  • Research papers that are submitted in English or French should be in font type is Times New Roman, size -12 for body, and 10 for footnotes.
  • The length of a research paper submitted in Arabic is 25 pages as maximum, and 15 pages for papers submitted in English or French. Footnotes numbering should restart each page of the paper.
  • The research paper should be original, new and not previously published or accepted in previous conferences or accepted for publishing in a journal, and it should not be a part of an academic thesis.
  • The scientific method in writing should be taken into account, where the research paper should consist of the introduction and research objectives in brief, and must be taken into account and must be written at the beginning of the research.
  • All resources referred to in the body of the research paper are indicated in the bibliography at the end of the paper, sequentially by numbers. The bibliography should be in the following format: If the source is an article in a journal, it should be written as follows: the author’s name, title of the paper, year of publication, journal name, volume and page number. If the source is a book, it should be written as follows: the author's name, title of the book, publisher, place, year, page.

6. The researcher whose research is accepted is committed to make the corrections suggested by the reviewers or proposed by the scientific committee. After evaluation and re-examination, the reviewer will approach the researcher through the scientific committee, and inform the researcher, if requested, to do what is required of him according to the report of scientific expertise and submit a copy of the research after corrections on the disk (CD), and resend it to the e-mail: (of the scientific committee).

7. The research paper is sent to two reviewers for evaluation, and if it is not accepted by one of them, it will be sent to a third weighted reviewer.

8. The intellectual property and publication rights are transferred to the conference if the research paper is accepted. It is not allowed to publish the accepted paper in the conference in the form of an article or book.

9. Taking into account the originality of the research, as it has not been previously published on paper or electronically, or submitted to any other local or external authority, or participated in it in any scientific forum.

10. Research paper should contribute to the development of legislative solutions to the subject it deals with, as much as possible.

11. Following the deadlines for submission of abstracts and papers and making the required revisions.

12. The maximum number of authors for submitted papers should be two authors.